Disney wants Your kids. We're fighting back.
Why do they hate us?
They hate you for protecting your children’s innocence.
They hate you for not handing your kids over for indoctrination.
They hate you for not traumatizing them with fake ideologies about race and gender.
It’s time to stop giving money to people who hate you.

I’m investigative reporter Christopher Rufo. I’ve exposed dozens of corporations and government agencies for pushing woke ideology on their employees.
Let me tell you: Disney’s hateful, disgusting indoctrination campaign goes far beyond anything I’ve seen before.
We all need to act now, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is doing, to make an example out of them and to warn other child-focused companies not to mess with our kids.
Last year, I obtained whistleblower documents that unmasked Disney’s secret critical race theory training program—and it was horrifying. They pushed memos about America’s “systemic racism,” told employees to complete a “white privilege checklist,” encouraged support for “defund the police,” and divided employees into racially-segregated “affinity groups.”
Amid this flood of race-baiting nonsense, Disney insisted that employees commit to “raising race-consciousness in children” starting at six months old, because even babies are racist.
Suddenly the cartoons and amusement parks we all grew up enjoying … didn’t seem so wholesome.
Then, this year, it got worse.
Whistleblowers at the company sent me disturbing videos of Disney executives implementing their new, “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” in top-level meetings with the CEO. They banned the use of the words “girls” and “boys” at their theme parks and discussed how to make “trans,” “bisexual,” and “gender nonconforming” characters attractive to kids through cartoons.
Parents everywhere have been speaking out. Swearing off the amusement parks. Throwing out the merchandise. Canceling Disney+ subscriptions. #BoycottDisney already has half a million retweets.
But Disney’s corporate president Karen Burke, the self-described “mother [of] one transgender child and one pansexual child,” is just doubling down. She thinks your kids belong to her. That it’s her job to fill their heads with her woke bigotry and scar their eyes with the latest sexual fads.
It’s time she heard from us. Together, we’re powerful. We can come together and Drop Disney.
Click this link—it will take you to the Disney+ cancellation page, if you’re a subscriber.
And even if you’re not, you can sign the pledge below not to pay a dime for any more subscriptions, vacations, merchandise, or entertainment that bears the Disney name or logo.
In my mind, that castle and those characters are now associated with these creepy people and their aggressive interest in my kids. My family has already Dropped Disney. Yours should, too.
Sign the Pledge to Drop disney
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